The extent of tRNA recognition at the level of binding by Thermus thermophilus phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase (PheRS), one of the most complex class II synthetases, has been studied by independent measurements of the enzyme association with wild-type and mutant tRNA(Phe)s as well as with non-cognate tRNAs. The data obtained, combined with kinetic data on aminoacylation, clearly show that PheRS exhibits more tRNA selectivity at the level of binding than at the level of catalysis. The anticodon nucleotides involved in base-specific interactions with the enzyme prevail both in the initial binding recognition and in favouring aminoacylation catalysis. Tertiary nucleotides of base pair G19-C56 and base triple U45-G10-C25 contribute primarily to stabilization of the correctly folded tRNA(Phe) structure, which is important for binding. Other nucleotides of the central core (U20, U16 and of the A26-G44 tertiary base pair) are involved in conformational adjustment of the tRNA upon its interaction with the enzyme. The specificity of nucleotide A73, mutation of which slightly reduces the catalytic rate of aminoacylation, is not displayed at the binding step. A few backbone-mediated contacts of PheRS with the acceptor and anticodon stems revealed in the crystal structure do not contribute to tRNA(Phe) discrimination, their role being limited to stabilization of the complex. The highest affinity of T. thermophilus PheRS for cognate tRNA, observed for synthetase-tRNA complexes, results in 100-3000-fold binding discrimination against non-cognate tRNAs.