Since the tumors are typically in an advanced stage when diagnosed, oral cancer is characterized by a high rate of morbidity and death. Using AI also known as artificial intelligence for oral premalignant lesions and conditions has been proposed recently. This checking survey examined the data about various artificial intelligence devices on the side of noninvasive analytic procedures including telemedicine, clinical pictures, fluorescence pictures, exfoliative cytology, and indicator factors in the potential for oral cancer. The results suggested that using these technologies could result in a method for the early detection of oral cancer which is less dangerous. Early oral cancer detection helps in the proper management and treatment of the patient. Artificial intelligence (human-made intelligence) has been viewed as encouraging for enhancing diagnostic procedures. The review's goal was to strengthen the evidence supporting the use of AI in the early identification of oral cancer. Artificial intelligence plays a significant part in diagnosing oral cancer; however, a few issues should be addressed in corresponding to the artificial intelligence procedures to permit the transfer of the latter on a significant scale to population-based detection techniques.