Abstract. The goal of this paper is to reveal hidden structures on the singular cohomology and the Griffiths period integral of a smooth projective hypersurface in terms of BV(Batalin-Vilkovisky) algebras and homotopy Lie theory (so called, L ∞ -homotopy theory). Let X G be a smooth projective hypersurface in the complex projective space P n defined by a homo-is canonically isomorphic to . We also equip BV X with a decreasing filtration and a bilinear pairing which realize the Hodge filtration and the cup product polarization on under the canonical isomorphism. Moreover, we lift C [γ] : → to a cochain map γ : ( X , K X ) → ( , 0), whereWe use this enhanced homotopy structure on to study an extended formal deformation of X G and the correlation of its period integrals. If X G is in a formal family of Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces X G T , we provide an explicit formula and algorithm (based on a Gröbner basis) to compute the period matrix of X G T in terms of the period matrix of X G and an L ∞ -morphism κ which enhances C [γ] and governs deformations of period matrices.