Let Ω be a Lipschitz domain in ℝn,n≥2, and L=div A∇ be a second‐order elliptic operator in divergence form. We establish the solvability of the Dirichlet regularity problem with boundary data in H1,p(∂Ω) and of the Neumann problem with Lp(∂Ω) data for the operator L on Lipschitz domains with small Lipschitz constant. We allow the coefficients of the operator L to be rough, obeying a certain Carleson condition with small norm. These results complete the results of Dindoš, Petermichl, and Pipher (2007), where the H1,p(∂Ω) Dirichlet problem was considered under the same assumptions, and Dindoš and Rule (2010), where the regularity and Neumann problems were considered on two‐dimensional domains.© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.