In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model (SM) without new Physics other than gravity. These considerations hints at a even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.The E/G duality, between entanglement and gravity, opens the door to postulate additional gravity-like effects and multi-fold mechanisms among spacetime points covered by a quantum wave functions or by Quantum Fields. These are plausible by-products of the multi-fold mechanisms, not necessarily mandated, or derived by our work so far, captured in an hypothetical new class of multi-fold universe denoted as W-type. It is the W-type hypothesis. In a W-type of multi-fold universe, we argue that we can explain the Born rule (on a discrete spacetime) without discussing measurements, or instantaneous wave function collapses as well as address the measurements problem, Wigner’s friend paradoxes, and the classical aspects of macroscopic Physics vs. the quantum Physics at microscopic level. It amounts to positioning a new candidate for interpretation of Quantum Physics, while still remaining compatible with existing interpretations (unfortunately as it does not exclude any). The W-type hypothesis leads also to a better understanding of the irreversibility of Physics, confirms it and indicate that W-Type multi-fold models, including the Multi-fold reconstruction, seem candidates to a more fundamental theory from which Quantum Physics emerges. It motivates also the duality between Entropy and Physical Action even for a single particle. Also, it reminds of the ergodic hypothesis of Boltzmann.