Neurofilaments of the sea lamprey are unique in being homopolymers of a single subunit (NF-180). Digoxigenin-labeled RNA probes complementary to NF-180 were used to determine the distribution and timing of expression of neurofilament message in the brain and spinal cord of the lamprey. In the brainstem, detection of NF-180 mRNA was restricted to neurons with axons projecting to the spinal cord or the periphery. The majority of brainstem neurons, whose axons project locally, did not express NF-180 within the detection limits of this technique. NF-180-positive neurons included cells with a wide range of axon diameters, suggesting neurofilament mRNA expression was linked to axon length rather than caliber. To further evaluate this hypothesis, expression was studied in animals of different developmental stages between larvae and adults. In younger (shorter) larvae, the large Mauthner and rhombencephalic Müller cells did not express NF-180 mRNA, even though their axons are among the largest caliber in the animal and extend the entire length of the spinal cord. In contrast, many other reticulospinal neurons, whose axons are smaller in diameter than those of the Müller and Mauthner cells, expressed NF-180 message throughout larval development. Furthermore, neurons of the cranial motor nuclei did not express NF-180 until later developmental stages and the extraocular motor neurons did not label until metamorphosis. Therefore, while detectable neurofilament mRNA expression in the lamprey is restricted to neurons with long axons, its expression in this population of neurons appears to be developmentally regulated by factors still not determined. It is postulated that need for NF message is determined by a balance between the volume of axon to be filled and the rate of turnover of NF in that axon.