Purpose: To report on the use of the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) for elective Cesarean section in 1067 consecutive ASA I-II patients preferring general anesthesia.Methods: Patients were excluded if they had pharyngeal reflux, a pre-pregnancy body mass index >30, or had a known/predicted difficult airway. Patients were fasted for six hours and given ranitidine/sodium citrate. A rapid sequence induction was performed with thiopentone and suxamethonium. The LMA was inserted by experienced users. Anesthesia was maintained with N 2 O and 50% O 2 and a volatile agent. Cricoid pressure was maintained until delivery, but was relaxed if insertion/ventilation was difficult. Patients were intubated if an effective airway was not obtained within 90 sec, or SpO 2 <94%, or end-tidal CO 2 >45 mmHg. Postdelivery, vecuronium and fentanyl were administered.Results: An effective airway was obtained in 1060 (99%) patients, 1051 (98%) at the first attempt and nine (1%) at the second or third attempt. Air leakage or partial airway obstruction occurred in 22 (21%) patients, and seven (0.7%) patients required intubation. There were no episodes of hypoxia (SpO 2 <90%), aspiration, regurgitation, laryngospasm, bronchospasm or gastric insufflation. Surgical conditions were satisfactory and all APGAR scores were $7 after five minutes.