Let C be a monster model of an arbitrary theory T , letᾱ be any (possibly infinite) tuple of bounded length of elements of C, and letc be an enumeration of all elements of C (so a tuple of unbounded length). By Sᾱ(C) we denote the compact space of all complete types over C extending tp(ᾱ/∅), and Sc(C) is defined analogously. Then Sᾱ(C) and Sc(C) are naturally Aut(C)flows (even Aut(C)-ambits). We show that the Ellis groups of both these flows are of bounded size (i.e. smaller than the degree of saturation of C), providing an explicit bound on this size. Next, we prove that these Ellis groups do not depend (as groups equipped with the so-called τ -topology) on the choice of the monster model C; thus, we say that these Ellis groups are absolute. We also study minimal left ideals (equivalently subflows) of the Ellis semigroups of the flows Sᾱ(C) and Sc(C). We give an example of a NIP theory in which the minimal left ideals are of unbounded size. Then we show that in each of these two cases, boundedness of a minimal left ideal (equivalently, of all the minimal left ideals) is an absolute property (i.e. it does not depend on the choice of C) and that whenever such an ideal is bounded, then in some sense its isomorphism type is also absolute.Under the assumption that T has NIP, we give characterizations (in various terms) of when a minimal left ideal of the Ellis semigroup of Sc(C) is bounded. Then we adapt the proof of [3, Theorem 5.7] to show that whenever such an ideal is bounded, a certain natural epimorphism (described in [10]) from the Ellis group of the flow Sc(C) to the Kim-Pillay Galois group Gal KP (T ) is an isomorphism (in particular, T is G-compact). We also obtain some variants of these results, formulate some questions, and explain differences (providing a few counter-examples) which occur when the flow Sc(C) is replaced by Sᾱ(C).2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 03C45, 54H20, 37B05.