IN 1968, Boyland, Carter, Gorrod and Roe investigated the possible carcinogenicity of four additives used in the rubber industry. The compounds were administered by repeated intraperitoneal injection in stock CB Wistar rats and two of them polymerised N-nitroso-2,2,4-trimethyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline and N-methyl-N,4-dinitrosoaniline-were shown to induce local (intra-abdominal) sarcomata. The polymerised nitroso compound was the more potent of the two carcinogens and it was decided to study this substance in more detail. Three different routes of administration subcutaneous injection, intraperitoneal injection and force feeding have now been examined and the results are presented here. The moderate carcinogenic activity of this material in the rat has been confirmed but the new findings are of wider interest as they throw some light on the early development of induced sarcomata in this species.
MATERIALS AND METHODSExperimental anirnals.-Two hundred Sprague-Dawley rats, 100 males and 100 females, were used. The animals, which were 7 to 8 weeks old at the beginning of the experiment, were Caesarean section-derived and maintained under barrier conditions in a minimal disease unit; bedding and food were sterilised before use. They were housed in metal cages, five animals in each, and fed Spiller's autoclaved diet and water ad libitum.Rubber additive. The rubber additive (polymerised N-nitroso-2,2,4-trimethyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline, " Curetard ": Monsanto Ltd.) was kindly supplied by Professor Boyland; in the interests of brevity it is subsequently referred to as NTDQ. It was stored at room temperature and was suspended in polyethylene glycol (PEG: British Drug Houses Ltd.) before use.Conduct of experiment.-The rats were divided into five groups, each comprising 20 males and 20 females. Animals in Group 1 received 20 once weekly subcutaneous injections of 25 mg. NTDQ/0*25 ml. polyethylene glycol in the flanks (ten injections on the right side followed by ten injections on the left). Rats in Group 2 received the same dose of NTDQ administered by once weekly intraperitoneal injection. Rats in Group 3 were force-fed 25 mg. NTDQ/0.25 ml.polyethylene glycol thrice weekly for 20 weeks. Animals in Group 4 received 20 weekly injections of 0*25 ml. polyethylene glycol only in the right and left flanks, as in Group 1, and Group 5 consisted of untreated control rats. (Unfortunately, insufficient Sprague-Dawley rats were available to include a vehicle control for the group injected intraperitoneally, but some information on the effect of intra-