Determining precipitation as solid (snow) or liquid (rain) phase is crucial for remote sensing of precipitation. Most phase classification methods rely on near‐surface temperatures. Further attempts to incorporate atmospheric information aloft only achieved mixed level of success, particularly for precipitation with temperature inversion. In our study, we developed a phase classification scheme based on the upper‐level melting energy (ME) and refreezing energy (RE), which is proportional to the area enclosed by the temperature profile and the 0°C isotherm. We performed least squares fitting and linear discriminant analysis to derive phase separation functions using observed surface and sounding data in North America. We provided separation functions for snow conditional probabilities ranging from 30% to 80% for various applications. Compared to a previously published (Probsnow) method, our energy method achieved comparable performance for Type 1 soundings with one near‐surface melting layer, and significantly improves the phase classification scores for Type 2 soundings with an aloft melting layer and a near‐surface refreezing layer. We innovatively combined surface ice‐bulb temperature with the ratio between the ME and RE to represent Type 2 profiles. For Type 2 soundings, our energy method improves the Heidke skill score (HSS) from 0.25 to 0.47 and reduces false alarm rate (FAR) by 0.47 compared to the Probsnow method for 50% threshold. By applying the physically based method, we improved accuracy and HSS, and reduced FAR for more than two thirds of the evaluation stations across the North America. Finally, we tested the application of the new method in satellite snowfall retrievals.