For λ a limit ordinal let E λ Be the set of elementary embeddings j : (V λ , ǫ) → (V λ , ǫ), j not the identity. Then the existence of a λ such that E λ is nonempty is a strong large cardinal axiom (Kanamori-Reinhardt-Solovay [5]). For j ∈ E λ let cr j be the critical point of j. Then λ = sup{j n (cr j) : n < ω} (Kunen [7]).For j, k ∈ E λ let j ·k = α<λ j(k∩V α ); then j ·k ∈ E λ (details are reviewed below).Writing jk for j · k, we have that · is nonassociative, noncommutative, and satisfies the left distributive law a(bc) = (ab)(ac). Letting j • k be the composition of j andimplies the left distributive law (a(bc) = (a • b)c = (ab • a)c = (ab)(ac)). For j ∈ E λ , let A j be the closure of {j} under ·, and let P j be the closure of {j} under · and •. A theorem of [9] is that A j ∼ = A, the free left distributive algebra on one generator, and P j ∼ = P, the free algebra on one generator satisfying .