The purpose of this Article is to critically analyze and examine positive Israeli copyright law under the paradigm of law and economics. The Article reviews several central and influential decisions of Israeli Supreme Court in the area of copyright law. It then analyzes these decisions in a manner that critically evaluates the reflections and impacts of the law and economics school on positive Israeli copyright law. Within this framework, the Article focuses on a selected number of cases and topics, including the Israeli Supreme Court's interpretation and application of the originality requirement and the fair use exemption. As the discussion in the Article indicates, several important decisions of the Israeli Supreme Court have indeed applied, either explicitly or implicitly, utilitarian considerations while implementing economic analysis as a focal of Israeli copyright law. One interesting observation that arises from our survey is that at least in some cases, there is no correlation between a declaratory judicial implementation of economic considerations and the desirability of the court's decision in terms of its efficiency. In several cases, while the Supreme Court applied economic considerations as its proclaimed normative compass, the outcomes of the court's decisions seem inefficient; whereas in other cases in which courts applied non-economic theories as their corner stone (while neglecting emphasis on economic considerations) the results were found to be economically efficient.