The famous Picard theorem states that a holomorphic mapping /: C -• P\C) omitting distinct three points must be constant. Borel [1] showed that a non-degenerate holomorphic curve can miss at most n + 1 hyperplanes in P n (C) in general position, thus extending Picard's theorem (n = 1 [4], they proved that a holomorphic mapping /: C m -> P n (C) omitting any n + 2 hyperplanes in general position must have the image lying in a hyperplane, especially Green showed that the same result holds under the condition that hyperplanes are distinct. Furthermore, in [5] he proved that a holomorphic mapping / of C m into a projective algebraic variety V of dimension n omitting n + 2 non-redundant hypersurface sections must be algebraically degenerate. On the other hand, in the equidimensional case, Carlson and Griffiths [2] obtained a generalization of Nevanlinna's defect relation for holomorphic mappings of C n into an ra-dimensional smooth projective algebraic variety V. By their results, a holomorphic mapping /: C n -> P n (C) having the Nevanlinna's deficiency δ(D) = 1 for a hypersurface D C P n (C) of degree ^ n + 2 with simple normal crossings, must be degenerate in the sence that J f = 0 on C\ While, Noguchi [6] obtained an inequality of the second main theorem type for holomorphic curves in algebraic varieties, thus a holomorphic curve / in an algebraic variety V which has the Nevanlinna's deficiency δ(Σ) = 1 for hypersurfaces Σ with some conditions in V must be algebraically degenerate. In this paper, we shall show that for n+2 ample divisors {D^H with normal crossings, any holomorphic mapping of C m into an n-dimensional smooth projective algebraic variety