M-theory on a Calabi-Yau threefold admitting a small resolution gives rise to an Abelian vector multiplet and a charged hypermultiplet. We introduce into this picture a procedure to construct threefolds that naturally host matter with electric charges up to six. These are built as families of Du Val ADE surfaces (or ALE spaces), and the possible charges correspond to the Dynkin labels of the adjoint of the ADE algebra. In the case of charge two, we give a new derivation of the answer originally obtained by Curto and Morrison, and explicitly relate this construction to the Morrison-Park geometry. We also give a procedure for constructing higher-charge cases, which can often be applied to F-theory models.
arXiv:1906.02202v1 [hep-th] 5 Jun 20191 Introduction M-theory on certain singular spaces gives rise to non-Abelian gauge symmetries. More specifically, in Calabi-Yau (CY) geometries with non-isolated singularities that admit crepant resolutions (i.e. those that do not alter the CY condition), Dynkin diagrams show up naturally as a pattern traced out by families of small intersecting two-spheres in the resolved geometry (for non-isolated holomorphic two-spheres that come in a complex one-dimensional family). When this occurs, postulating the presence of light M2-branes wrapping such so-called vanishing spheres gives rise to light degrees of freedom that fill out the root system corresponding to the Dynkin diagram. This leads one to expect the effective field theory to contain a non-Abelian gauge multiplet in the limit where areas of the two-spheres approach zero and the geometry becomes singular [1,2]. (For rigid two-spheres, we get light matter multiplets instead, typically charged under the non-Abelian group.) This picture has been exploited for two decades in the field of geometric engineering in string theory and M-theory [3][4][5][6][7][8], as well as in some closely related Ftheory constructions [9][10][11]. In the latter, a direct interpretation of the singular space is not available in all but the simplest cases. However, two strategies connect F-theory to this phenomenon of non-Abelian degrees of freedom: Either one can take a particular limit of M-theory, such that the duality to type IIB compactified on a circle is manifest, and verify the correspondence. Alternatively, one can analyze the F-theory phenomena directly by considering which (p, q)-strings in the type IIB seven-brane background become light. (An important feature of F-theory is in fact the existence of seven-branes of "exotic" types, i.e. beyond the D7-branes and O7-planes of perturbative type IIB.)Much less clear is what to make of possible Abelian gauge symmetries. 1 These can also be related to singularities, but not as directly as in the case of simple Lie algebras. Since the inception of F-theory, it has been known that one way to understand U(1) gauge groups is by seeking sections (or in some cases, multi-sections) of the elliptic fibration of F-theory [11][12][13]. In M-theory, it suffices to think of divisors in the compactification ...