Introduction. Since competition influences all the spheres of economic life, its research is scattered among different fields of economic science and different research areas. The purpose of the article is to systematize existing approaches to competition assessment, based on single multidimensional methodological approach, to make economic competition research at the micro-, meso-and macrolevels better managed and presented, as well as to develop comprehensive system of indicators to assess the state of economic competition. Results. Having used the Porter's diamond model, the authors divided three dimensions of competition research: horizontal (within the relevant market or stack of related markets), vertical (within the process chain), and potential competition dimension (within all the markets in the economy due to the capital flow between them that provides competitive pressure on the participants of the relevant market). The sets of indicators of the relevant type of competition are identified within every research dimension. Combined use of these indicators allows us to determine current state of competition in the market, and to verify the results obtained. The aggregated system of competition indicators is introduced to ensure comprehensive and more profound analytical support for managerial decisions.