In this paper the special problems and needs of disabled adults during vocational rehabilitation in rehabilitation centers will be analyzed. For this purpose, the goals and measures of ideal counseling in regard to vocational choice, work and training adjustment, and social adjustment are compared with the results of evaluation studies and studies with drop-outs of these facilities. Conclusions are derived by which measures counselors can contribute essentially to the disabled trainees being better enabled to handle their adjustment problems more effectively.The special importance of meaningful work and employment for disabled people has been repeatedly emphasized. Many studies have shown that being engaged in meaningful and, if possible, competitive work has a major impact on the state of physical and mental health, upon coping effectively with disability and its consequences, and on life satisfaction. Also, integration in the labor force is essential for economic independence and social integration. However, in order to achieve these goals, continuing education and training is absolutely necessary, particularly for those disabled persons who are not able to return to their previous occupation or job.It is generally agreed that vocational education and training of disabled persons with restricted employment opportunities has to meet high technical and educational standards in order to enable them to compete successfully with their non-disabled fellow applicants or co-workers in finding suitable employment, performing on the job and avoiding the danger of losing the job. On the other hand, it is not always sufficiently recognized that the decision for an occupation or career, and the beginning and mastering of a vocational rehabilitation program involves considerable psychological, social and financial problems for most disabled people, and, thus, they are in need of considerable help and assistance by counselors throughout the period of further education and training.In the following paper I will analyze the most salient of these problems, and show which needs counselors should deal with in helping disabled