It has been shown that the spectral fluctuations of different quantum systems are characterized by 1=f noise, with 1 2, in the transition from integrability to chaos. This result is not well understood. We show that chaos-assisted tunneling gives rise to this power-law behavior. We develop a random matrix model for intermediate quantum systems, based on chaos-assisted tunneling, and we discuss under which conditions it displays 1=f noise in the transition from integrability to chaos. We conclude that the variance of the elements that connect regular with chaotic states must decay with the difference of energy between them. We compare the characteristics of the transition modeled in this way with what is obtained for the Robnik billiard. The quantum transition from integrability to chaos gives rise to a change in the statistical properties of the energy levels. Integrable systems display uncorrelated adjacent energy levels, which are well described by Poisson statistics [1]. On the contrary, fully chaotic systems show strong repulsion between energy levels and follow the prediction of Random Matrix Theory (RMT) [2]. However, typical systems in nature are neither integrable, nor fully chaotic, but somewhere in between; they are partially chaotic or mixed. The spectral statistics of such kinds of systems is not well understood. In the semiclassical limit (@ ! 0), it is well described by the Principle of Uniform Semiclassical Condensation (PUSC) of Wigner function of eigenstates [3,4]; but this theory constitutes a good approximation only if the energy is sufficiently large. Tunneling effects between chaotic and regular states provide a more complete description [5] (see below for details).One of the main features of mixed systems is the fractional power-law level repulsion (see [6] and references therein), which cannot be explained by PUSC. Level repulsion is an universal characteristic of chaotic systems; it implies that the distance between two adjacent energy levels, s i i1 ÿ i [7], cannot be equal to zero, and Ps ! s for s ! 0. In many mixed systems, Ps ! s , with 0 1, for s ! 0.Recently, another fractional power-law behavior has been identified. The sequence of energy levels can be considered as a time series, where the energy plays the role of time. Following this analogy, it is well established that fully chaotic systems give rise to 1=f noise, whereas integrable systems are characterized by 1=f 2 noise [9,10]. For the intermediate regime, it has been found that different quantum systems display 1=f noise, with 1 2 [11,12]. (Note that the 1=f behavior entails a similar fractional exponent in the form factor, K / , 2 ÿ , for 1 [10].) This feature has not been previously explained; in particular, PUSC predicts a mixture of 1=f and 1=f 2 behaviors [13]. Random matrix models give rise to a similar result [14,15].Power-law level repulsion has been recently explained resorting to chaos-assisted tunneling. In a partially chaotic quantum system, different invariant tori can be connected by means of quantum dynamical...