Abstract.A combined analysis of the available data on the primary 7-ray intensities from the ~13Cd(n, ~) reaction at E,= 1.9 and 24.3 keV neutron energies together with the data on H3Cd neutron capture cross sections in the E, = 3-200 keV energy region was carried out. The neutron strength functions were determined as S,0 =(0.260_+0.073) 10 -4 and Snl =(5.06__0.67) 10 -4. No spin-orbit splitting of the p-wave neutron strength function was found. The energy dependence of the E 1 radiative strength function S~ ~ was fitted by the KadmenskiFurman model somewhat better than by a standard Lorentzian. The M1 giant resonance parameters were obtained as E~ ~ = 8.8 + 1.6 MeV and F M1 4.7 _ 2.6 MeV. The neutron capture cross section of ~13Cd from its isomeric state (J'= 11/2-, ET=263.7 keV) was calculated.