The Brachylaimidae of Australian native animals are revised. Brachylaima dasyuri (Johnston, 1913) is redescribed from Dasyurus viverrinus, Phascogale tapoatafa and Isoodon macrourus. B. simile (Johnston, 1913) is removed from synonymy with B. dasyuri, reinstated as a valid species and redescribed from Perameles nasuta, Isoodon obesulus and Antechinus stuartii. B. antechini Peisley & Howell, 1975 is reduced to synonymy with B. simile. B. brindabellensis n. sp. is described from Rattus fuscipes. B. walterae n. sp. is described from Antechinus swainsonii and A. stuartii. B. delecta n. sp. is described from Antechinus flavipes. B. sandarsae n. sp. is described from Antechinus godmani. B. pulchellum (Johnston, 1917) is redescribed from Leucosarcia melanoleuca. An unnamed Brachylaima species is described from Isoodon macrourus. New host records are Brachylaima dasyuri from Phascogale tapoatafa and B. simile from Perameles nasuta. Dasyurotrema mascomai n. g., n. sp. is described from Antechinus swainsonii. The new genus is placed in the Panopistinae. It differs from the existing genera by having a single loop of the uterus passing anterior to the ventral sucker and the genital pore posterior to the posterior testis but still distinctly ventral. A second species of Dasyurotrema is recorded, but not described, from Antechinus stuartii. Brachylaimid metacercariae are described from Rhytida capillacea, Helicarion virens, H. mastersi and Vercularion strangei. In no case was a host species found to harbour more than one species from any brachylaimid genus at a single geographical site.