We present the prospects for photoassociation, optical control of interspecies scattering lengths and finally, the production of ultracold absolute ground state molecules in the Rb+Hg system. We use the "gold standard" ab initio methods for the calculations of ground (CCSD(T)) and excited state (EOM-CCSD) potential curves. The RbHg system, thanks to the wide range of stable Hg bosonic isotopes, offers possibilities for mass-tuning of ground state interactions. The optical lengths describing the strengths of optical Feshbach resonances near the Rb transitions are favorable even at large laser detunings. Ground state RbHg molecules can be produced with efficiencies ranging from about 20% for deeply bound to at least 50% for weakly bound states close to the dissociation limit. Finally, electronic transitions with favorable Franck-Condon factors can be found for the purposes of a STIRAP transfer of the weakly bound RbHg molecules to the absolute ground state using commercially available lasers.