Salmonella typhimurium rfa-657 strains, including both mutants and transductants, were shown to contain in their lipopolysaccharides both the (usual) L and the D-iSOmer of glycero-Dnzanno-heptose. By the application, in sequence, of' two different extraction procedures S and R form lipopolysaccharides could be isolated scparately from a representative rfa-657 strain. The R lipopolysaccharide was predominantly of the Re chemotype, only a few 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate (KDO) residues being substituted by heptose (Rd, chemotype) or by longer core chains. The D-heptose was enriched in the R lipopolysaccharide, while the S lipopolysaccharide contained mainly the natural L-isomer. It was found that D-hcptose can replace L-heptoses I to 111 of the wild-type core. However, an elongation to completeness of the core stubs containing D-heptose seldom occurs.The heterogeneity in structure of the lipopolysaccharide produced by this class of (leaky) mutants is assumed to be due to an altered 6-epimerase which, in the wild form, catalyses the conversion of NDP-D-glycero-D-manno-heptose into NDP-L-glyyeero-D-manno-heptose and which is determincd by the gene rfa-657 situated between cysE and pyrE. The symbol rfaD is proposed for this gene. Abbreviations. KDO, 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate. Note. All values of the retention time, t~, refer to 2,3,4,6-tetra-0-methyl-glucose.
Bacterial &rains, Phages and LipopolysaccharidesStrain SL 1027 is a smooth, genetically marked derivative of S. typhimurium strain LT2, and SL 3600 is a "part-rough'' (i.e. phenotypically intermediate between S and R ) mutant, rfa-657, of SL 1027, isolated from a mutagen-treated culture by selection for resistance to Felix 0 phage [3] a.nd SL 3149, the two SL 3600 reisolates, respectively.The first lot of lipopolysaccharide examined was extracted a t Preiburg from a batch of SL 3600 cells grown on nutrient agar, washed and acetone-dricd a t Stanford. Later one crop each of strains SL 3147,