Background: Bariatric surgery has increased the number of patients requiring medial thighplasty after massive weight loss. However, despite the various complications, the procedure improves quality of life. The authors report postoperative complications of vertical J-shaped medial thigh lift in a series of patients and identify preoperative risk factors. Methods: For almost 5 years, the details of all J medial thighplasties performed by a single surgeon were recorded; detailed medical records were also available. Complications can be major (e.g., need for early surgical revision or readmission) or minor (delayed wound healing). Results: During the study period, 94 patients were treated and only minor complications were recorded (42.5 percent). On multivariate analysis, older age (OR, 1.05; 95 percent CI, 1.01 to 1.10) and a body mass index greater than or equal to 30 kg/m 2 (OR, 2.82; 95 percent CI, 1.10 to 7.22) were independent risk factors for postoperative complications. Conclusions: As with other postbariatric operations, medial thighplasty is associated with significant morbidity, but the risk thereof can be easily established and managed. Specific algorithms for determining the risk of postoperative complications based on age and body mass index are needed to guide preoperative discussions with patients and perform patient selection.