and Public Humanities, 1 the topic for this guest-edited issue neatly fits in the interpretation we gave of our research field as a domain prone to bridging experiences between different disciplines, as well as taking from gaming techniques and linking computational models to cultural manifestations (Marty 2010). Even inside the virtual articulation of the Megadungeon, the papers collected in this issue prove that relationality maintains a very humanistic character as a model for connected knowledge-building typical of human societies and, as such, a core topic of Digital and Public Humanities (King, Stark, Cooke 2016).Closing the fourth yearly volume with a guest-edited issue, right after having reached SCOPUS classification, opens up new possibilities for magazén that we are eager to discover in the forthcoming years. As a matter of fact, with our new call for abstracts we further resolved to accept any submission without the constraints of a particular topic, thus resembling a true public house as the so-called 'magazén' at the time of the Venetian Republic (Tassini [1863(Tassini [ ] 1970.We cannot but express our most sincere gratitude to the guest editors of this issue, as well as to all experts and scholars involved in the peer review process, which is always very time-consuming but so relevant to uphold high standards of academic quality, particularly in such a rapidly evolving domain. Our gratitude, as usual, also goes to our Advisory Board members, the published authors, the magnificent members of our editorial board, as well as to our publisher's team.