For any given k ∈ N, this paper gives upper bounds on the radius of a packing of a complete hyperbolic surface of finite area by k equal-radius disks in terms of the surface's topology. We show that these bounds are sharp in some cases and not sharp in others.By a packing of a metric space we will mean a collection of disjoint open metric balls. This paper considers packings of a fixed radius on finite-area hyperbolic (i.e. constant curvature −1) surfaces, and our methods are primarily those of low-dimensional topology and hyperbolic geometry. But before describing the main results in detail I would like to situate them in the context of the broader question below, so I will first list some of its other instances, survey what is known toward their answers, and draw analogies with the setting of this paper: Question 0.1. For a fixed k ∈ N and topological manifold M that admits a complete constantcurvature metric of finite volume, what is the supremal density of packings of M by k balls of equal radius, taken over all such metrics with fixed curvature? (Here the density of a packing is the ratio of the sum of the balls' volumes to that of M .) The botanist P.L. Tammes posed a positive-curvature case of Question 0.1 which is now known as Tammes' problem, where M = S 2 with its (rigid) round metric, in 1930. Answers (i.e. sharp density bounds) are currently known for k ≤ 14 and k = 24 after work of many authors, with the k = 14 case only appearing in 2015 [23] (the problem's history is surveyed in §1.2 there).In the Euclidean setting, the case of Question 0.1 with M an n-dimensional torus is equivalent to the famous lattice sphere packing problem, see eg.[8], when k = 1. When k > 1 it is the periodic packing problem; and finding the supremum over all k is equivalent to the sphere packing problem, which is solved only in dimensions 2, 3 [18] and, very recently, 8 [28] and 24 [6]. The lattice sphere packing problem is solved in all additional dimensions up to 8, see [8, Table 1.1].The hyperbolic case is also well studied. Here a key tool, known in low-dimensional topology as "Böröczky's theorem", asserts that any packing of H n by balls of radius r has local density bounded above by the density in an equilateral n-simplex with sidelength 2r of its intersection with balls centered at its vertices [3]. Rogers proved the analogous result for Euclidean packings earlier [26]. We note that in the hyperbolic setting the bound depends on r as well as n.Böröczky's theorem yields bounds towards an answer to Question 0.1 for an arbitrary k ∈ N and complete hyperbolic manifold M , since a packing of M has a packing of H n as its preimage under the universal cover H n → M . Analogously, Rogers' result yields bounds toward the lattice sphere packing problem, which until recently were still the best known in some dimensions (see [7, Appendix A]). This basic observation is particularly useful in low dimensions: for instance Rogers' lattice sphere packing bound is sharp only in dimension 2 (where it is usually attributed to Gauss). In ...