Issues similar to harmony (western music), such as laya, padang-ulihan/basingtundun, angsel, polos-sangsih, and angkep-angkepan (Balinese music), cannot be called harmony. Therefore, it is rare for research on these issues to be a big topic. It will be a source of knowledge rooted in Indonesian traditions if investigated in terminology, conception, and terms. This problem prompted researchers to research Balinese gamelan angkep-angkepan as an interpretation of Balinese karawitan harmony. This research was conducted to reconstruct the concept of karawitan harmony through re-reading the meaning of angkep-angkepan of Balinese gamelan. The study's results formulated the idea of angkep-angkepan (harmony) Balinese gamelan/karawitan as a reinterpretation of the science of harmony or the concept of harmony in karawitan.