We investigate the Hermitian curvature flow (HCF) of left-invariant metrics on complex unimodular Lie groups. We show that in this setting the flow is governed by the Ricciflow type equation ∂tgt = −Ric 1,1 (gt). The solution gt always exist for all positive times, and (1 + t) −1 gt converges as t → ∞ in Cheeger-Gromov sense to a non-flat left-invariant soliton (Ḡ,ḡ). Moreover, up to homotheties on each of these groups there exists at most one left-invariant soliton solution, which is a static Hermitian metric if and only if the group is semisimple. In particular, compact quotients of complex semisimple Lie groups yield examples of compact non-Kähler manifolds with static Hermitian metrics. We also investigate the existence of static metrics on nilpotent Lie groups and we generalize a result in [16] for the pluriclosed flow. In the last part of the paper we study HCF on Lie groups with abelian complex structures.