Three educational products were proposed to enhance visitor understanding and appreciation of plants at Devils Tower National Monument (DETO) including a flyer, a checklist of common plants, and a complete floristic checklist. Incidental to this, field work was conducted to address questions of species status in the flora and produce a more robust flora for an area already known for its diversity. Of the specimens collected, 12 were additions to the DETO flora, including one noxious weed (since eradicated) and one native addition to the state flora. One additional species was verified from a voucher collected in NPS plot sampling, and nine earlier reports of additions to the DETO flora were verified. A Wyoming plant species of concern was evaluated in the field to investigate whether the determination was correct. NPSpecies, the National Park Service's web-based tool for documenting species in national parks, and the Rocky Mountain Region Digital Herbarium (RMRDH), which includes the DETO specimens, were updated to ensure completeness, currency and consistency. A checklist publication of common plants and a technical checklist of all vascular plants can now be generated from NPSpecies on demand by interpretive staff, natural resource managers, researchers and the general public, using new report tools. A one page educational flyer about selected important DETO plants is submitted as a stand-alone product. After thorough technical work, the new implementation of NPSpecies is up to the task of representing the rich DETO flora, even though floras and plant taxonomy are dynamic. Citation: Heidel, B. and H. Marriott. 2014. Devils Tower National Monument flora-field analysis, updating online resources and applications. Wyoming Natural Diversity Database, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY. Cover photo: Devils Tower with common plants of prairie and woods, by B. Heidel