S. A. MOSKALENEO et al. : Periodic and Stochastic Self-Pulsations 401 phys. stat. sol. (b) 150, 401 (lB88) Subject classification: 71.36 and 78.20
Institute of Applied Physicrr, Academy of Sciences of the Moldavian S8R, Kiehiner')Possible appearance of quasiperiodic and chaotic self-pulsations in a system of coherent excitons and photons as well a~ in the processes of oneand two-photon exciton-biexciton conversions are established for the first time. In the last two cases the generalized Lorem equations are obtained. Lyapunov analysis of the stationary state stability and computer exporiments are made. The main bifurcations in the three considered systoms of quasiparticles are found.