This investigation assessed the extent of rehydration of dehydrated plant tissues during aqueous fixation in comparison with the fine structure revealed by freeze-substitution. Radicles from desiccation-tolerant pea (Pisum sativum L.), desiccation-sensitive jackfruit seeds (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk.), and leaves of the resurrection plant Eragrostis nindensis Ficalho & Hiern. were selected for their developmentally diverse characteristics. Following freeze-substitution, electron microscopy of dehydrated cells revealed variable wall infolding. Plasmalemmas had a trilaminar appearance and were continuous and closely appressed to cell walls, while the cytoplasm was compacted but ordered. Following aqueous fixation, separation of the plasmalemma and the cell wall, membrane vesiculation and distortion of cellular substructure were evident in all material studied. The sectional area enclosed by the cell wall in cortical cells of dehydrated pea and jackfruit radicles and mesophyll of E. nindensis increased after aqueous fixation by 55, 20, and 30%, respectively. Separation of the plasmalemma and the cell wall was attributed to the characteristics of aqueous fixatives, which limited the expansion of the plasmalemma and cellular contents but not that of the cell wall. It is proposed that severed plasmodesmatal connections, plasmalemma discontinuities, and membrane vesiculation that frequently accompany separation of walls and protoplasm are artefacts of aqueous fixation and should not be interpreted as evidence of desiccation damage or membrane recycling. Evidence suggests that, unlike aqueous fixation, freeze-substitution facilitates reliable preservation of tissues in the dehydrated state and is therefore essential for ultrastructural studies of desiccation.