St udies of th e supercooling ph enomenon in water are hardly a new activit y, th e first review having been published in 1775 (1). However, it is only in the past decade th at a high level of activit y, direct ed particularly at th e ph ysical propert ies of water in the supercooled regime, has been manifest ed. Apart from th e obvious motivation of seeking data on this import ant liquid over th e maximum range of condit ions, this activit y has been st imulat ed by the recognit ion th at, as temperature is decreased, certain th ermodynamic and transport properties appear to be diverging as at a crit ical point . Th is unexpected ch aract erist ic has naturally led to an int ense curiosit y as to th e nat ure of th e cooperat ive ph enomenon involved and has promot ed an increasing number of experiment al and th eoretical st udies since th e first evidence was present ed. Th e position of th e "field" at th e moment is an interest ing one (2) with many of th e fundament al properties now de termined with accept able precision (given th e difficult ies of perf orming measurement s under conditions of met ast abilit y, with th e requirement of small sample tech niques th at th is impli es) and several noncompliment ary th eoret ical models in circulat ion to explain them.Because this is th e first review of this subject area to appear in the Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, I give some coverage to th e earlier, and more scatt ered, st udies bef ore developing the subject systematically to it s current position.
THE NORMAL LIMIT OF SUPERCOOLING, AND THE POSSIBILITY OF VITRIFICATIONAlth ough th e principal int erest in th e supercooling of wat er lies in th e ext raordinary temperat ure dependences manif ested in it s ph ysical pro perties as temperat ure decreases below O°C, these measurement s can only be perf ormed wh ile th e sample remains free from nuclei of th e cryst alline 593 0066 -426X/ 83/1101-0593$ 02.00 Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 1983.34:593-630. Downloaded from by University of Massachusetts -Amherst on 10/17/12. For personal use only.Quick links to online content Further ANNUAL REVIEWS