Abstract. We consider the problem of scattering of a longitudinal or a transverse plane elastic wave by a general ellipsoidal cavity in the low-frequency region. Explicit closed-form solutions for the zeroth-and first-order approximations are provided in terms of the physical and geometric characteristics of the scatterer, as well as the direction cosines of the incidence and observation points. This was made possible with the introduction of an analytical technique based on the Papkovich representations and their interdependence. The leading low-frequency term for the normalized spherical scattering amplitudes and the scattering cross section are also given explicitly. Degenerate ellipsoids corresponding to the prolate and oblate spheroids, the sphere, the needle, and the disc are considered as special cases.1. Introduction. In [7] we gave a systematic analysis of the elastic scattering problem at low frequencies. We studied the four basic problems corresponding to either a longitudinal or a transverse incident wave which is scattered by a rigid body or a cavity consisting of a smooth, convex, and bounded three-dimensional set. In [8] we applied our method to the triaxial rigid ellipsoid, which is the most general second-degree geometric figure where the method of separation of variables and eigenfunction expansion can be applied. It turned out that the lack of rotational symmetry for the scatterer makes the problem very difficult to solve in closed analytical form, and a new calculational technique had to be introduced in order to find the first two low-frequency approximations in terms of ellipsoidal harmonics, Lame functions, and standard elliptic integrals. The present work refers to the application of our general method to a triaxial cavity, thus completing our program of studying the theory and applications of fundamental elastic scattering problems. The technique used in [8] to evaluate the low-frequency coefficients for the rigid ellipsoid