Abstract:Singlet fission is the spin-allowed conversion of a spin-singlet exciton into a pair of spintriplet excitons residing on neighbouring molecules. To rationalise this phenomenon, a multiexcitonic spin-zero triplet-pair state has been hypothesised as an intermediate in singlet fission. However, the nature of the intermediate states and the underlying mechanism of ultrafast fission have not been elucidated experimentally. Here, we study a series of pentacene derivatives using ultrafast 2D electronic spectroscopy and unravel the origin of the states involved in fission. Our data reveal the crucial role of vibrational degrees of freedom coupled to electronic excitations that facilitate the mixing of multiexcitonic states with singlet excitons.The resulting manifold of vibronic states drives sub-100-fs fission with unity efficiency. Our results provide a framework for understanding singlet fission and show how the formation of vibronic manifolds with a high density of states facilitates fast and efficient electronic processes in molecular systems.
2" "Singlet fission (SF) is an exciton multiplication process in organic semiconductors that allows one photogenerated spin-singlet excited state to be converted to two spin-triplet excitons.1 !The two generated spin-triplet excitons are initially correlated to form an overall spin-singlet state, making SF a spin-allowed process in contrast to intersystem crossing that involves a spin flip. For systems where the energy of the lowest lying singlet exciton (S) is close to double the energy of the triplet state (T), such as pentacene and its derivatives, SF can occur on a sub-100fs timescale with every singlet being converted to two triplets.2 SF has attracted great attention lately as it enables photovoltaic devices to overcome thermalisation losses by generating two electron-hole pairs per high-energy photon absorbed, potentially allowing single-junction devices that could beat the Shockley-Queisser limit on power conversion efficiency 3 . The first steps towards this goal have been taken with the demonstration of organic solar cells based on pentacene, that show external quantum efficiencies above 129%, the highest for any solar technology to date. 4,5 Despite advances in the experimental characterization of SF in several molecular systems 6-13 as well as extensive theoretical work, 1, 14-22 the fundamental mechanism of ultrafast SF remains unclear. In the kinetic model proposed by Merrifield and co-workers 23 ! the process can be represented as
S!TT!T+TWhere: S is the lowest singlet excited singlet state, T is the molecular triplet state and T+T is a pair of fully independent T states. TT corresponds to a doubly excited pair of spin-correlated triplets, forming an overall spin singlet. The TT state, often referred to as the multiexciton state, is considered a dark state that cannot be optically populated from the ground state g, but serves as an intermediate to the formation of free independent triplets T+T.Current theoretical models for SF focus on characterising t...