Abstract. We show that Vassiliev invariants separate braids on a closed oriented surface, and we exhibit a universal Vassiliev invariant for these braids in terms of chord diagrams labeled by elements of the fundamental group of the surface.1. Definitions and statements 1.1. Introduction. Vassiliev knot invariants were introduced by V. A. Vassiliev ([17], [18]; see also [6], [2]), and they have been generalized to several other knotlike objects, such as links, braids, tangles, string links, knotted graphs, etc. The purpose of this paper is to consider Vassiliev invariants of braids on surfaces, and to extend some well-known results on Vassiliev invariants of Artin braids to the case of braids on surfaces.Our study of Vassiliev invariants is inspired by Papadima's work [13] on Vassiliev invariants for Artin braids with values in Z. However, the presence of the fundamental group of the surface changes the analysis substantially. Anyway, the Vassiliev theory for braids on surfaces, set forth in this paper, appears to be a natural generalization of the corresponding theory for Artin braids.1.2. Braids and singular braids on surfaces. Throughout this paper M will denote a closed, orientable surface of genus g ≥ 1, and P = {P 1 , . . . , P n } a set of n distinct points in M . Define a n-braid based at P to be a collection b = (b 1 , . . . , b n ) of disjoint smooth paths in M × [0, 1], called strings of b, such that the i-th string b i runs monotonically in t ∈ [0, 1] from the point (P i , 0) to some point (P j , 1), P j ∈ P.An isotopy in this context is a deformation through braids (which fixes the ends). Multiplication of braids is defined by concatenation, generalizing the construction of the fundamental group. The isotopy classes of braids with this multiplication form the group B n (M, P), called the braid group with n strings on M based at P. Note that the group B n (M, P) does not depend, up to isomorphism, on the set P of points, but only on the cardinality n = |P|. So we may write B n (M ) in place of B n (M, P).In the same way as Artin braid groups have been extended to singular braid monoids ([6],[1]), one can extend the braid group B n (M ) to SB n (M ), the monoid of singular braids with n strings on M . The strings of a singular braid are now