The group Diff(M) of diffeomorphisms of a closed manifold M is naturally equipped with various right-invariant Sobolev norms W s,p . Recent work showed that for sufficiently weak norms, the geodesic distance collapses completely (namely, when sp ≤ dim M and s < 1). But when there is no collapse, what kind of metric space is obtained? In particular, does it have a finite or infinite diameter? This is the question we study in this paper. We show that the diameter is infinite for strong enough norms, when (s − 1)p ≥ dim M, and that for spheres the diameter is finite when (s − 1)p < 1. In particular, this gives a full characterization of the diameter of Diff(S 1 ). In addition, we show that for Diff c (R n ), if the diameter is not zero, it is infinite.