Consider a high-energy parton showering as it traverses a QCD medium such as a quark-gluon plasma. Interference effects between successive splittings in the shower are potentially very important but have so far been calculated (even in idealized theoretical situations) only in soft emission or large-N c limits, where N c is the number of quark colors. In this paper, we show how one may remove the assumption of large N c and so begin investigation of N c =3 without soft-emission approximations. Treating finite N c requires (i) classifying different ways that four gluons can form a color singlet and (ii) calculating medium-induced transitions between those singlets, for which we find application of results for the generalization of Wigner 6-j symbols from angular momentum to SU(N c ). Throughout, we make use of the multiple scattering (q) approximation for high-energy partons crossing quark-gluon plasmas, and we find that this approximation is self-consistent only if the transverse-momentum diffusion parameterq for different color representations satisfies Casimir scaling (even for strongly-coupled, and not just weakly-coupled, quark-gluon plasmas). We also find that results for N c =3 depend, mathematically, on being able to calculate the propagator for a coupled non-relativistic quantum harmonic oscillator problem in which the spring constants are operators acting on a 5-dimensional Hilbert space of internal color states. Those spring constants are represented by constant 5×5 matrices, which we explicitly construct. We are unaware of any closed form solution for this type of harmonic oscillator problem, and we discuss prospects for using numerical evaluation.