The biosynthesis of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in Gram-negative bacteria is well understood, in contrast to the transport to its destination, the outer leaflet of the outer membrane. In Escherichia coli, synthesis and transport of LPS are essential processes. Neisseria meningitidis, conversely, can survive without LPS and tolerates inactivation of genes involved in LPS synthesis and transport. Here, we analyzed whether the LptA, LptB, LptC, LptE, LptF, and LptG proteins, recently implicated in LPS transport in E. coli, function similarly in N. meningitidis. None of the analyzed proteins was essential in N. meningitidis, consistent with their expected roles in LPS transport and additionally demonstrating that they are not required for an essential process such as phospholipid transport. As expected, the absence of most of the Lpt proteins resulted in a severe defect in LPS transport. However, the absence of LptE did not disturb transport of LPS to the cell surface. LptE was found to be associated with LptD, and its absence affected total levels of LptD, suggesting a chaperone-like role for LptE in LptD biogenesis. The absence of a direct role of LptE in LPS transport was substantiated by bioinformatic analyses showing a low conservation of LptE in LPSproducing bacteria. Apparently, the role of LptE in N. meningitidis deviates from that in E. coli, suggesting that the Lpt system does not function in a completely conserved manner in all Gram-negative bacteria.Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a glycolipid, uniquely present at the cell surface of Gram-negative bacteria. It consists of a hydrophobic membrane anchor, called lipid A, which is embedded in the outer membrane (OM), 2 and an extracellular oligosaccharide core extended in some bacteria with a polysaccharide moiety, the O-antigen. The lipid A part can evoke strong, often toxic, innate immune responses; hence, it is also known as endotoxin. LPS is an essential component of the OM of most Gram-negative bacteria. Therefore, molecules involved in its biogenesis may represent attractive antimicrobial targets, as demonstrated by the successful development of antibiotics targeting LpxC, an enzyme involved LPS biogenesis (1), and LptD, an OM protein involved in LPS transport (2). However, much of the LPS biogenesis is not understood yet. The complete lipid A biosynthetic pathway, which takes place in the cytoplasm and at the inner leaflet of the inner membrane, has been elucidated in Escherichia coli and Salmonella. The ubiquitous presence of the lipid A biosynthetic enzymes in most other Gram-negative organisms suggests that this process is well conserved (3). The transport process of LPS from its site of synthesis to the cell surface is much less well understood (4 -7).The ATP-binding cassette transporter MsbA is thought to transport the lipid A-core moiety of newly synthesized LPS over the inner membrane (8, 9). At the OM, two proteins have been shown to be involved in the transport of LPS to the cell surface: the integral OM protein designated LptD (formerly Imp/OstA) (...