We consider a space structured population model generated by two point clouds: a homogeneous Poisson process M = j δX j with intensity of order n → ∞ as a model for a parent generation together with a Cox point process N = j δY j as offspring generation, with conditional intensity of order M * (σ −1 f (•/σ)), where * denotes convolution, f is the so-called dispersal density, the unknown parameter of interest, and σ > 0 is a physical scale parameter. Based on a realisation of M and N , we study the nonparametric estimation of f , for several regimes σ = σn. We establish that the optimal rates of convergence do not depend monotonously on the scale σ and construct minimax estimators accordingly. Depending on σ, the reconstruction problem exhibits a competition between a direct and a deconvolution problem. Our study reveals in particular the existence of a least favourable intermediate inference scale.