R-loop hybridization and electron microscopy were used to map the RNA transcription products of the extrachromosomal rRNA genes of Tetrahymena thermophila. The mature 17S and 26S rRNAs and the nuclear 35S pre-rRNA and pre-26S rRNA were located with a precision of approximately 100 base pairs. A 370-base pair intervening sequence was found in the 26S coding region. It has the same size and relative location as that found in Tetrahymena pigmentosa [Wild, M. A. & Gall, J. G. (1979) Cell 16, 565-5731. One class of R-loop structures formed by nuclear p&-rRNA provided preliminary evidence for a primary transcript that contains the intervening sequence. The results suggested a processing scheme in which splicing of the intervening sequence is followed by a series of strand cleavages to give the mature 17S and 26S rRNAs. Analysis of the data also showed that RNADNA and DNADNA duplexes, when mounted for electron microscopy by the R-loop procedure, have the same length per base pair within 4%. The rRNA genes (rDNA) in the macronucleus of Tetrahymena are extrachromosomal molecules containing about 20,000 base pairs (bp) of DNA (1, 2). The linear molecules are palindromic, each half containing a set of rRNA coding sequences and adjacent spacer sequences (3, 4). The 10,000 palindromic rDNA molecules in the nucleoli of the macronucleus are probably formed by amplification of a single, nonpalindromic copy integrated in a micronuclear chromosome (5).As one of the few eukaryotic genes that can be isolated in a transcriptionally active chromatin state (6, 7), the Tetrahymena rDNA is of particular interest. For studies of chromatin structure and gene regulation it is necessary to have a detailed transcription map of the rDNA. Previous studies have revealed some general features. Gall et al. (8) showed that transcription proceeds bidirectionally from the central region toward the ends of the molecule. Engberg et al. (4) and Karrer (9) found that the 26S rRNA sequences are distal to the 17S rRNA sequences. Transcription of the smaller rRNA therefore precedes that of the larger rRNA in Tetrahymena as in other organisms (reviewed in ref. 10).The formation of R-loops, regions of RNA-DNA hybridization within a double-stranded DNA molecule, was first described by White and Hogness (11) and Thomas et al. (12). In the present study, we have used R-loop mapping to locate precisely the sequences coding for the mature cytoplasmic rRNAs and the nuclear precursor rRNAs on the rDNA of Tetrahymena thermophila.MATERIALS AND METHODS Growth of Cells. Tetrahymena thermophila strain B VII, obtained from M. Gorovsky, was grown in a medium containing 10 g of proteose peptone (Difco), 30 mg of SequestrineThe publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U. S. 8 M urea (16) and were run at room temperature. RNA in the 8 M urea sample buffer was heated for 5 min at 65°C before being applied to denaturing gels.Isolation of rDNA. Ex...