The Hamiltonian of a single electron trapped in a lateral quantum dot in the influence of an acceptor Gaussian impurity has been solved using a variational wavefunction as a superposition of a product of eigenfunctions of the harmonic oscillator in x and y coordinates. The effects of Gaussian impurity parameters on the system's spectra have been investigated as a function of the magnetic field. Furthermore, the electron probability has been displayed to investigate the impurity position effect on the energy levels. As a second step, the calculated energy spectra were utilized to compute and visualize the system's magnetic properties in the presence of the magnetic field and impurity. The obtained energy spectra show level crossings in the presence of acceptor impurity, which causes oscillations in the magnetic susceptibility and magnetization curves, resulting in an exciting diamagnetic-paramagnetic phase transition. KEYWORDS lateral quantum dot, magnetic properties, Gaussian impurity, diamagnetic-paramagnetic transition FOR CITATION Shaer A., Elsaid M.K. The Gaussian impurity effect on the electronic and magnetic properties of an electron confined in a lateral quantum dot.