Zebra chip (ZC) is an established and highly destructive disease of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) that occurs in several southwestern states of the United States, Mexico, Central America, and New Zealand. The causal agent for this disease has not been identified. However, the bacterium "Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum" and the potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (Šulc), its insect vector, are associated with the disease. Tubers from ZCaffected potato plants exhibit dramatic browning of vascular tissue concomitant with "necrotic flecking" both of which can affect the entire tuber. Upon frying, these tubers develop a characteristic striped pattern of discoloration rendering them unmarketable. These characteristic ZC symptoms in the tubers have been suggested to be associated with general cell death, though no evidence to confirm this hypothesis has been shown. In order to determine if cell death is associated with ZC disease, a series of experiments were undertaken. Cell death was initially quantified by comparing cellular ion leakage from ZC-affected and ZC-free tubers. Levels of ion leakage were found to be significantly higher in ZC-affected tubers compared to ZC-free tubers. To examine further the association of cell death with ZC disease, ZC-affected and ZC-free tubers were compared using classical histochemical staining methods in conjunction with optical microscopy, which revealed layers of dead cells surrounding numerous, small, irregularly-shaped lesions throughout the parenchymatic medullary region, vascular ring and cortex of ZC-affected tubers. This cell death was confirmed using high-resolution, field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) of fresh-cut tuber tissue.Resumen Zebra chip (ZC) es una enfermedad establecida y altamente destructiva de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.) que se presenta en varios estados del suroeste de los Estados Unidos, México, América Central y Nueva Zelandia. El agente causal de esta enfermedad no ha sido identificado. No obstante, la bacteria "Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum" y el psílido de la papa Bactericera cockerelli (Šulc), su insecto vector, están asociados con la enfermedad. Los tubérculos de plantas afectadas por ZC presentan oscurecimiento dramático del tejido vascular concomitante con "pecas necróticas" que en ambos casos pueden afectar al tubérculo completo. Al freírse, estos tubérculos desarrollan un patrón característico de rayado haciéndolos no comerciales. Se ha sugerido que estos síntomas característicos en los tubérculos estén asociados con muerte general de las células, aún cuando no se ha mostrado evidencia para confirmar esta hipótesis. Se llevaron a cabo varios experimentos a fin de determinar si la muerte de las células está asociada con la enfermedad de ZC. La muerte celular se cuantificó inicialmente comparando el lixiviado iónico celular de tubérculos con y sin ZC. Se encontró que los niveles de iones lixiviados fueron significativamente más altos en tubérculos afectados con ZC comparados con los libres de ZC. Para examinar mas la a...