We examine the links between geomorphological processes, specific landscape features, surface water drainage, and the creaΑon of suitable habitats for hominins. The existence of mosaic (i.e. heterogeneous) habitats within hominin site landscape reconstrucΑons is typically explained using models of the riverine and gallery forest sengs, or the pan or lake seng. We propose a different model: the Tectonic Landscape Model (TLM), where tectonic faulΑng and volcanism disrupts exisΑng pan or river sengs at small scales (~ 10-25 km). Our model encompasses the interpretaΑon of the landscape features, the role of tectonics in creaΑng these landscapes, and the implicaΑons for hominins. In parΑcular, the model explains the underlying mechanism for the creaΑon and maintenance of heterogeneous habitats in regions of acΑve tectonics. We illustrate how areas with faulΑng and disturbed drainage paδerns would have been aδracΑve habitats for hominins, such as Australopithecus, and other fauna. Wetland areas are an important characterisΑc of surface water disturbance by fault acΑvity; therefore we examine the tectonically-controlled Okavango Delta (Botswana) and the Nylsvley wetland (South Africa) as modern examples of how tectonics in a riverine seng significantly enhances the faunal and floral biodiversity. While tectonic landscapes may not have been the only type of aδracΑve habitats to hominins, we propose a suite of landscape, faunal, and floral indicators, which when recovered together suggest that site environments may have been influenced by tectonic and/or volcanic acΑvity while hominins were present. For the fossil sites, we interpret the faulΑng and landscapes around australopithecine-bearing sites of the Middle Awash (Ethiopia) and Makapansgat, Taung, and Sterkfontein (South Africa) to illustrate these relaΑonships between landscape features and surface water bodies. ExploitaΑon of tectonically acΑve landscapes may explain why the paleoenvironmental signals, anatomy, diets, as well as the fauna associated with Australopithecus appear largely heterogeneous through Αme and space. This hypothesis is discussed in light of potenΑal preservaΑon and Αme-averaging effects which may affect paδerns visible in the fossil record. The model, however, offers insight into the landscape processes of how such habitats are formed. The landscape features and range of habitat condiΑons, specifically the weδer, down-dropped plains and drier, upliιed flanks persist in close proximity for as long as the fault moΑon conΑnues. The Tectonic Landscape Model provides an alternaΑve explanaΑon of why mixed habitats may be represented at certain sites over longer Αmescales.
KeywordsEthiopia, Tectonism, Volcanism, Taung, Sterkfontein Valley, Makapansgat, Mosaic environments, Hominins k 1 Bailey, G.N., Reynolds S.C.and King, G.C.P. 2011. Landscapes of human evolution: models and methods of tectonic geomorphology and the reconstruction of hominin landscapes. Journal of Human Evolution. 60, p257-280 doi:10.1016Evolution. 60, p257-280 doi:10. ...