All-Out Sundays, more known as AOS, is a weekly musical variety show in GMA Network. While it shares most of the elements present in rival ABS-CBN's All-Star Afternoon Party (ASAP), humor is one of the show's distinct features through the AOS Lounge segment. The AOS Lounge segment is known for situational and observational comedy through hugot statements and gossips. While hugot is often associated with melodrama, it is presented humorously by using the melodies of Filipino children's folksongs, such as "Ako Ay May Lobo" (I Have A Balloon) and "Leron, Leron Sinta" (Leron, Leron, My Dear). To expound this discourse, I intend to apply Apte's (1985) approach on institutionalized humor. As this segment deals with satires of children's folksongs, I also explore through Titon's definition how the segment creators produce affect through the use of children's folksongs in an adult context.