The Malvinas Current (MC), a major western boundary current of the South Atlantic Ocean, is an offshoot of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (Figure 1a) that flows northward following the Subantarctic Front (SAF) along the eastern continental slope of South America. The MC, which borders one of the widest continental shelves of the world, is strongly controlled by bottom topography. Between 52°S and 49°S, the bottom slope is west-east orientated and gentle (2,000 m over 300 km) and the MC is rather wide (300 km) with mean northward surface velocities of 30 cm/s (Figures 1a and 1b). At 48°S, isobaths are east-west orientated and the MC mean surface velocities are zonal with a mean value of 40 cm/s. The largest mean surface velocities in the MC (>60 cm/s) are observed north of 43°S where the bottom slope is steep (Figures 1a and 1b) and the MC is organized in one narrow jet. South of 43°S, the MC is characterized by a relatively stable two-jet structure alienated with two bottom terraces (Piola et al., 2013). The mean location of the onshore jet corresponds to a northern branch of the SAF (SAF-N), while the main jet follows the main SAF along the 1,500-m isobath (Figure 1b; Artana et al., 2018). At 38°S, the MC encounters the Brazil Current forming the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence. The surface eddy kinetic energy (EKE) at this region is among the greatest in the world ocean with values exceeding 2,000 cm 2 /s 2 (Figure 1c). In contrast, the EKE in the MC is rather small (200 cm 2 /s 2) since the Malvinas Plateau filters a large part of the mesoscale activity from Drake Passage (Artana et al., 2016). In situ observations have pointed at the possible existence of trapped waves (TW) propagating northward along the Patagonian slope. Velocity spectra obtained from current-meter moorings deployed at 41°S across the slope near the Brazil Malvinas Confluence showed large energy peaks between 5 and 110 days (Vivier & Provost, 1999; Vivier et al., 2001). Despite these observations, there is still no characterization of TW along the Patagonian slope. As the TW propagates rapidly, they are not entirely resolved in satellite-altimetry-derived maps of sea level anomalies (SLAs) (Ballarotta et al., 2019).