A high molecular weight fraction XM100R (MW A 100,000) was prepared by ultrafiltration from ovine pineals using two different extraction methods under red light conditions (lambda greater than 600 nm). This fraction stimulates the release of radioimmunologically active luteinizing hormone (LH) of anterior pituitaries in vitro. The ultrafiltration fraction PM30R (MW greater than 30,000 and less than 100,000) was found to be radioimmunologically active only when the "Bensinger" extraction procedure was applied. However, when comparable fractions were prepared under green light and incubated with half-pituitaries, all the incubation media of the ultrafiltrated fractions, XM100R, PM30R, PM10R (MW greater than 10,000 and less than 30,000) UM2R (MW greater than 1000 and less than 10,000), UM05R (MW greater than 500 and less than 1000) and UM05F (MW greater than 500), reacted with anti-LH. This may mean that under green light conditions the high molecular weight ovine pineal compounds in XM100R are disintegrated and/or split up into small molecules which can stimulate the release of LH, or crossreact with the anti-LH serum.