In a randomized clinical trial, quality of health care as reflected in patient outcomes and cost of health care was compared between two groups of high-risk childbearing women: women diagnosed with diabetes or hypertension in pregnancy. The control group (N = 52) was discharged routinely from the hospital. The intervention group (N = 44) was discharged early using a model of clinical nurse specialist transitional follow-up care. During pregnancy, the intervention group had significantly fewer rehospitalizations than the control group. For infants of diabetic women enrolled in the study during their pregnancy, low birth weight (< or = 2,500 g) was three times more prevalent in the control group (29%) than in the intervention group (8.3%). The postpartum hospital charges for the intervention group were also significantly less than for the control group. The mean total hospital charges for the intervention group were 44% less than for the control group. The mean cost of the clinical specialist follow-up care was 2% of the total hospital charges for the control group. A net savings of $13,327 was realized for each mother-infant dyad discharged early from the hospital.