and increasing international trade turnovers lead to great demand for exchange rate forecasts. On the other hand, the amount of factors which influence the fluctuations of exchange rates, the heterogeneity of market participants, the amount of financial instruments which allow to gain exposure to a particular currency and the organizational form (over the counter system) of the market complicate the process of generating exchange rate forecasts.In the second part of 20th century there were many exchange rate forecasting models introduced. Rasekhi, Rostamzadeh (2011) classify the models to fundamen tal and technical. Fundamental models try to predict the exchange rate based on the fundamental factors with the purpose to distinguish the intrinsic value of the two cur rencies, while technical models forecast the exchange rate based on the price fluctuations from the past. It is argued that fundamental exchange rate forecasting models cannot predict the exchange rates for short term period. Even in nowaday research a paper of Meese, Rogoff (1983) Abstract. The purpose of this article is to assess exchange rate forecasting possibilities with an information flow approach model. In the model the three types of information flows are distinguished: fundamental analysis information flow through particular macroeconomic determinants, microstructure approach information flow through dealer clients' positioning data, technical analysis information flow through technical indicators. By using regression analysis it is shown that the composed model can forecast the exchange rate, the most significant information flows are distinguished. The results lead to further development of the information flow approach as a tool to forecast exchange rate fluctuations.