Abstract.The current paper deals with the investigation of the gravitational potential of heterogeneous ellipsoids and its extension to the tensor potential, since little attention has been given to this point in the last century. In this view, both integral Newton's and integral MacLaurin's theorems are formulated in tensor form. The generalization is extended to heterogeneous homeoids and focaloidally striated ellipsoids, respectively. A discontinuity in the tensor potential is found across a homogeneous, infinitely thin focaloid, which vanishes in the spherical limit. The potential-energy tensors related to focaloidally striated ellipsoids are expressed in integral form, depending on the density profile. All the results are particularized to the spherical limit, for which both Newton's and MacLaurin's theorems hold. With the aim of illustrating the procedure, an explicit calculation of the potential-energy tensors is outlined in the special case of homogeneous, spherical configurations. Finally, an application is made to the Coma cluster of galaxies.