Upon CA, ESI generated [M ϩ H] ϩ ions of chalcone (benzalacetophenone) and 3-phenylindanone both undergo losses of H 2 O, CO, and the elements of benzene. CA of the [M ϩ H] ϩ ions of 2-methoxy and 2-hydroxychalcone, however, prompts instead a dominant loss of ketene. In addition, CA of the [M ϩ H] ϩ ions of 2-methoxy--methylchalcone produces an  analogous loss of methylketene instead. Furthermore, the [M ϩ D] ϩ ion of 2-methoxychalcone upon CA eliminates only unlabeled ketene, and the resultant product, the [M ϩ D Ϫ ketene] ϩ ion, yields only the benzyl-d 1 cation upon CA. We propose that the 2-methoxy and 2-hydroxy (ortho) substituents facilitate a Nazarov cyclization to the corresponding protonated 3-arylindanones by mediating a critical proton transfer. The resultant protonated indanones then undergo a second proton transport catalysis facilitated by the same ortho substituents producing intermediates that eliminate ketene to yield 2-methoxy-or 2-hydroxyphenylphenyl-methylcarbocations, respectively. The basicity of the ortho substituent is important; for example, replacement of the ortho function with a chloro substituent does not provide an efficient catalyst for the proton transports. The Nazarov cyclization must compete with an alternate cyclization, driven by the protonated carbonyl group of the chalcone that results in losses of H 2 O and CO. The assisted proton transfer mediated by the ortho substituent shifts the competition in favor of the Nazarov cyclization. The proposed mechanisms for cyclization and fragmentation are supported by high-mass resolving power data, tandem mass spectra, deuterium labeling, and molecular orbital calculations. T he acid-catalyzed cyclization of divinyl ketones to yield cyclopentenones is known as Nazarov cyclization, a reaction that was recently reviewed [1,2]. Bronsted acids, superacids, and Lewis acids are usually needed to promote the cyclizations in solution. The mechanism involves conrotatory electrocyclic ring closure of a protonated divinyl ketone followed by deprotonation and double-bond reorganization [2]. A general and efficient method for the synthesis of biologically active 3-aryl-indanones is the Nazarov cyclization of substituted chalcones [3][4][5][6]. A variety of indanone derivatives can be synthesized by the microwave-assisted Nazarov cyclization of chalcones in trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) solution [5]. In addition, further motivation comes from the antimicrobial activity of substituted chalcones, which was evaluated recently [7].Characterization of these materials has attracted the attention of mass spectrometrists since the early 1960s , were one focus [9 -14], including an ion-structure study with an iontrap mass spectrometer [15]. Recently, the mechanisms for elimination of C 6 H 6 and CO from the atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI)-generated [M ϩ H] ϩ ions of chalcones were established [16]. Three important product ions observed in the CAD mass spectrum of protonated chalcone arise from losses of H 2 O, CO, and C 6 H 6 . Studie...