PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS OCTOBER 1, 1958 thenG^ = 13.7; G v int =8.2; G^KA =2.3; G NKl: = 1.8(y 5 in K ints.), G 7rN = 13.7; G fflnt = 8.2; %KA = 2 -2 ; %jra = 1.8 (no y 5 in tf ints.). If the calculated results for the relative sign of G vN to G n int and G NKA to G NKS can be carried over to the ^--coupling constants, the heavy-fermion mass degeneracy must be broken by the ZK{ A, S) interactions. Possible Lagrangians are +ffi{^W[y 5 d + f 3 ^)/ 2 +U-?3 *)/2]*j -011 r^ #y 5 (l+f 3 ^)/ 2 "(I " fa ^)/2]*i} (y 5 in tf ints.).(3)The y 5 multiplies (l-f 3 y)/2 instead of (l+f 3 y)/ 2 for the case of "no y 5 in K ints." Another K interaction, L tf = gK^^o" iT U^i) 0(y B , 1) #±, 1