1. Amphibian oocyte nucleoli may be solid and round, or they may take the form of beaded rings. Transformation of the nucleoli from the solid form to the ring form and back again may be a regular feature of oogenesis. The variation in circumference of freshly isolated unstretched ring nucleoli is continuous over a range of about fivefold. The longest rings may measure several hundred micra. All oocyte nucleoli have two structural zones, core and cortex. The core consists of finely fibrous material and is analogous to the ‘pars amorpha’ of earlier authors. The cortex has a granular fine structure and is analogous to the ‘nucleolonema’. The beads of ring nucleoli have both core and cortex components. Some solid nucleoli are multicored.
2. When all nucleoli are single cored, the number of nucleoli in an oocyte nucleus remains constant throughout the lampbrush phase of oogenesis. When nucleoli are multicored, the number of nucleoli may vary, but the number of nucleolar cores remains constant.
3. Oocyte nucleoli of between 6 and 12μ diameter have dry masses of between 50 and 200 μμg. 610% of the nucleolar dry mass is attributable to RNA.
4. Each nucleolus has a small DNA component. This component is in the form of a long circular duplex. In solid nucleoli it meanders through the substance of the nucleolar core. It forms the axis of a ring nucleolus and the structural integrity of the ring is maintained by the DNA component.
5. Both round and ring types of nucleoli from some salamanders and frogs have a membrane component attached to them. This takes the form of a membranous tube or a chain of vesicles ending near to or within a depression in the surface of the nucleolar core. Nothing is known at present of the function of the nucleolar membrane.
6. Nucleoli are sites of synthesis of ribosomal RNA. The DNA of the nucleolar core has the base sequence needed for transcription of ribosomal RNA. RNA is transcribed, complexed with protein and eventually distributed between 50S and 30S ribonucleoprotein particles. The 30S particle does not accumulate in the nucleolus. The 50S particle matures in the nucleolus and probably constitutes a substantial portion of the nucleolar cortex.
7. During the pachytene stage in ovaries of young amphibia 20–30 μμg. of extra‐chromosomal nucleolar DNA are synthesized. In early diplotene this DNA disperses into thousands of tiny granules which become distributed over the inner surface of the nuclear envelope. A nucleolus then grows in association with each granule.
8. Isolation and purification of nucleolar DNA from pachytene oocytes, and from germinal vesicles, has shown that it contains the sequences for 18 and 28S ribosomal RNA, and it represents the products of an amplification of the genes for ribosomal RNA.
9. In Xenopus the gene complex which is amplified consists of about 450 tandem repeats of a region of double stranded DNA which includes sequences complementary to 28 S and 18 S ribosomal RNA alternating with a spacer sequence. The density of the ribosomal DNA, including the sp...